Leveraging Cloud Computing for Business Growth

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Cloud

The world of information technology is a world full of innovative concepts, many of which reach today’s front page news only to become a passing fad that no longer has no relevance. One innovative concept that at one time seemed like a passing fad has taken a firm hold on how business leaders plan to optimize their IT infrastructures.

We are talking about cloud computing and its proven role in accelerating business growth for companies across virtually every operating niche.

Cloud computing makes it relatively easier, more affordable, and more accessible for businesses to compete in a difficult economic climate that got much more difficult as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. You have heard about the digital transformation that included a move to establishing remote workplaces. For IT executives working in every industry, cloud computing made the remote workplace transition about as smooth as it gets.

The result is cloud computing has morphed into an indispensable element of a company’s IT platform. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and a software subscription to leverage cloud computing for business growth. Your IT team members no longer have to live in the same city or even the same country to maximize the benefits of what once was an emerging technology that has turned into the backbone of many IT platforms.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing represents a general term that forms the technological umbrella for organizations looking to save money, while enhancing computing performance. The technology allows your organization to access digital data from anywhere, as well as download software that is critical to determining the performance of your organization.

Cloud computing breaks down into several components, starting with storage in which your organization has the capability to store and access files from any type of computing device. Users can save and back up files on the cloud as a way of protecting sensitive data against cyberattacks, as well as technical issues that cause server crashes. You can access software programs for a monthly subscription, as well as share several types of information without having to store the information in an in-house server.

Let’s see how your organization can leverage cloud computing for business growth.

Instant Access to Digital Resources

With cloud computing, you and your IT team members can access digital resources from anywhere that provides an internet connection. This means your organization improves its agility to work with digital data and dramatically increases the speed of execution for making important business decisions. You acquire the capability to make business decisions at a much faster rate because you obtain tools such as optical scanning software that automatically scans business documents such as customer receipts.

Faster decision-making equals enhanced productivity.

Improved Scalability

Creating an in-house IT platform tests the capacity of the infrastructure to host proprietary data. You have a limited amount of storage for data, which requires IT leaders to make difficult decisions on which type of data to store. Cloud computing represents a service that easily passes the mobile usability test, which allows your organization to process data without having to worry about power and storage needs.

Your IT team members no longer are restricted to when and from where they can access proprietary data.

Minimize Costs

One of the most important advantages cloud computing gives your organization is cost savings. Your organization does not have to invest in purchasing expensive hardware and software to achieve business growth. The minimum investment for cloud technology allows your business to allocate financial resources to other business growth-oriented programs, such as spending more money on digital marketing initiatives. All you have to spend money on initially is a monthly software subscription, as most cloud computing packages offer a free trial period.

Strong Data Protection

Does moving your digital assets to the cloud make your company more vulnerable to cyberattacks? Despite what the naysayers insist, cloud computing represents an IT platform that is as secure and even more secure than standard IT platforms that depend on in-house hardware to store and process data. Most security failures related to cloud technology result from human error instead of technical issues.

Gaining access to dependable servers that automatically encrypt data significantly reduces the threat of cyberattacks.


If your organization has established a list of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies, you should know the move to cloud computing lowers your organization’s carbon footprint. Your company consumes far less energy because it shares energy resources with many other organizations across the industry spectrum. Cloud computing means your IT team members can spend more time working remotely, which also reduces your organization’s environmental impact.

The Bottom Line: Start Benefitting From Cloud Computing

Cloud computing delivers several benefits that a growing number of organizations have embraced. You do not have to make a 100 percent commitment to the cloud at the start. However, moving at least some of your digital assets to cloud servers should save your organization money, while enhancing productivity and cybersecurity.

Adopting cloud means undertaking a major transformation, even if you think you’re simply going to “lift & shift” workloads from the premises to their new home in the cloud. This transformation can only succeed if you have a clear understanding of your current information technology.

That’s why our sponsor VAST believes every cloud journey should begin with a comprehensive Discovery & Assessment.

Learn more in our guide: Cloud Success Begins with Cloud Discovery and Assessment.


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