Meet the CIO – Interview Series
Welcome to the Meet the CIO Interview Series by the IT Executives Council.
Our new series interviews top IT executives from some of the most interesting companies and organizations in the world. IT Executives Council moderators focus on career tips, advice, and ultimately, “secrets to success”.
The fast-paced interview format will bring valuable learning, career insights and a wide range of perspectives to both aspiring, and seasoned IT pros. Watch interviews on-demand below. If you’re interested in participating, please click here or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Mel Heckman

Daryl Ford
CIO, Roger Williams University

Maria Haight
CIO, TGI Direct

Vu Nguyen
CIO, CHE Behavioral Health Services

Adam Leonard
Chief Analytics Officer, Texas Workforce Commission

Antonio Marin
Chief Information Officer, US Med-Equip

Shane McDaniel
Chief Information Officer, City of Seguin

Rohit Jain
Chief Information Officer, Harvard Business School (HBS) Alumni
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Please complete the following application.
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