How CIOs Can Build a Personal Brand and Stand Out in IT Leadership

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Professional Growth & Careers

CIOs are often known for more than their role in a company. Many have become leaders in their industry. Cynthia Stoddard, Chris Bedi, and Aaron Ruleman are just a few worth mentioning.

These leaders did not get where they are merely by doing their jobs. They built a personal brand. Many proposed new innovative ideas in technology, built their networks, and developed a unique leadership style to gain a loyal following.

This type of effort can be beneficial in several ways. It makes your company stand out, and it establishes you in your industry. It ensures you will always have a place, regardless of your company’s trajectory.

Building a personal brand takes effort, but with the right tools and strategy, you will stand out as a leader.

Develop a Unique Leadership Style

Today’s powerful leaders worked their way up the corporate ladder by developing a unique leadership style. Many have utilized a people-centric approach that focuses on customers and employees. They understand the importance of workplace wellness and empower their workers to do better.

But being truly unique takes more than imitation. You must look to yourself to determine what you can bring to the table. Think of your strongest qualities to develop a personal style that boosts efficiency and resiliency.

Great leaders must also be brave. Take calculated risks that bring organizational greatness. It may be difficult to step outside your box, so start slowly doing small things before moving on to bigger things.

Leadership also requires an awareness of biases. For example, smart women in the industry are often seen as intimidating. If you are a female CIO, you must break down barriers by promoting a warm persona.

Showcase Expertise in Emerging Technologies

Leaders must stand out as innovators in their fields. They can do this by showcasing expertise in emerging technologies.

CIOs should be aware of new technologies in their field. They should constantly read relevant publications, listen to podcasts, and stay on top of social media. Strong vendor relationships will also help.

Once a new technology emerges you feel will be right for your organization, jump on it. Determine the best applications. Think outside the box to take advantage of its benefits.

The next step is to teach your team how to use the new technology. Learn together to determine the best solutions. This approach will make your team excited about new tools and devices and eager to implement them in their workflow.

To effectively build a personal brand, you must go outside internal circles and let others in on your recent findings. Once you have a handle on the latest technology, begin sharing new developments on social media. Doing so will demonstrate your enthusiasm and innovation.

Build a Network of Influence

People in the technology sector tend to be introverted, but you must break out of your shell and build a network of influence to stand out as a leader. This requires a combination of online and in-person connections.

In-person networking opportunities include conferences, holiday parties, and workshops. Online networking can include social media, video meetings, emails, DMs, webinars, and more.

Remember, it’s not just attending the event that matters. You must interact and communicate effectively. Don’t strive to be the most interested person in the room- strive to be the most interested person in the room. Listen carefully to forge a connection and learn from others.

Leaders should also choose the groups and people they network with carefully. Research to learn what’s out there. Then reach out to those that you feel the greatest connection with, are most interested in, and will get you the greatest benefits.

You may also consider mentoring or volunteering. These are great brand-building strategies that will demonstrate your worth in your industry and get your name out there.

Networking is hard. Consider starting small. Look at local MeetUp Groups or the closest SIM chapter. Prepare things to say and questions to ask before attending the event.

Afterward, consider the people that resonated with you. Who captured your interest when speaking? Who did you best relate to? Reach out to these people after the meeting to keep the relationship going.

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